SPX Official List

APP $3.09      ATH $2.20      CFL $6.58      FBL $3.65      FIL $18.24      FMF $1.78      FTV $2.00      KFL $1.11      KGF $1.20      PBP $7.94      PDM $2.25      PGI $1.08      RBG $3.09      RCF $9.80      TTS $20.00      VBH $6.00      VIL $4.09      FHL $1.02      BCN $30.99     
Active Current Market Price (F$): 1.11

Company Overview

Operation Description
Provides accessible and flexible finance solutions targeted mainly at consumers and small-to-medium enterprises. KFL’s key products include debt consolidation, financing personal loans, financing of new and used motor vehicles, white goods, brown goods, furniture and technology products. For its retail and motor vehicle dealer partners, KFL is a full-service provider of accessible and easy-to-understand financing solutions that allows it to better serve its client relationships by managing credit applications, credit authorisation, billing, remittance and customer service processing.

Date Listed

Registered Office Address
Level 5, TappooCity Building, Thomson Street, Suva, Fiji

Postal Address
GPO Box 12508, Suva

    Phone: (+679) 330 3400
    Fax: (+679) 330 3401
    Email: enquiries@kontikifinance.com
    Website: kontikifinance.com  Visit
Directors/Senior Management
Mr Barry Whiteside (Chairman) Mr Griffon Emose (Director) Mr Glen Craig (Director) Mr Chirk Yam (Independent Director) Mr Peter Dixon (Independent Director) Mr Des Kearse (Independent Director) Mr Greg Cathcart (CEO)

Company Secretary
Ms Beatrice Wong

Share Registry
Central Share Registry Pte Limited, Shop 1 & 11, Sabrina Building, Victoria Parade, Suva Phone: (+679) 330 4130 Email: registry@spx.com.fj

KFL Quotes
Current Market Price (F$)Movement(F$)Volume TradedBuy(F$)Sell(F$)Low(F$)High(F$)Earnings Per Share(Cents)Price Earnings Ratio(Times)Current Yield(%) (Dividend/Interest)Market Cap(F$)% of Market Cap
1.11  0.911.11  14.797.514.95103,931,6503.00%
Buy OrdersBuy QuantityBuy PriceSell PriceSell QuantitySell Orders
FJST Trade DateVolume TradedPriceConsideration
15-Jul-2024 02:30 PM 1,000$1.11$1,110.00
03-Jul-2024 10:30 AM 4,418$1.11$4,903.98
25-Jun-2024 03:29 PM 100$1.11$111.00
25-Jun-2024 10:34 AM 531$1.11$589.41
19-Jun-2024 11:10 AM 101$1.11$112.11
17-Jun-2024 10:36 AM 8,932$1.13$10,093.16
10-Jun-2024 02:30 PM 521$1.13$588.73
28-May-2024 02:45 PM 34,600$1.13$39,098.00
28-May-2024 02:43 PM 1,538$1.13$1,737.94
28-May-2024 02:43 PM 2,802$1.13$3,166.26

Price History

Note: The above graph shows the Share Price History for the past 12 months. Use the filter to select between a range from the date of listing (4th July 2018).


Start Date:
End Date:

FJST Trade DateSecurityTrade NumberBuyerSellerVolume TradedPriceConsiderationSettlement Date
15/07/2024 02:30 PM KFL20240715-2609FSBKSB1,000$1.11$1,110.0017-Jul-2024
03/07/2024 10:30 AM KFL20240703-2526KSBKSB4,418$1.11$4,903.9805-Jul-2024
25/06/2024 03:29 PM KFL20240625-2494FHSKSB100$1.11$111.0027-Jun-2024
25/06/2024 10:34 AM KFL20240625-2490FSBKSB531$1.11$589.4127-Jun-2024
19/06/2024 11:10 AM KFL20240619-2469FSBKSB101$1.11$112.1121-Jun-2024
17/06/2024 10:36 AM KFL20240617-2454FSBKSB8,932$1.13$10,093.1619-Jun-2024
10/06/2024 02:30 PM KFL20240610-2427FSBKSB521$1.13$588.7312-Jun-2024
28/05/2024 02:45 PM KFL20240528-1929KSBKSB34,600$1.13$39,098.0030-May-2024
28/05/2024 02:43 PM KFL20240528-1924KSBKSB1,538$1.13$1,737.9430-May-2024
28/05/2024 02:43 PM KFL20240528-1925KSBKSB2,802$1.13$3,166.2630-May-2024

Dividend Details

Announcement Date Dividend Type Financial Year Dividend per Share (F$) Ex-Benefit Date Record Date Payment Date
25/Apr/24 Third Interim  2024  0.010  10/May/24  16/May/24  24/May/24 
30/Jan/24  Interim  2024  0.010  14/Feb/24 19/Feb/24  27/Feb/24 
20/Oct/23  Interim  2024 0.010  06/Nov/23  09/Nov/23  20/Nov/23 
08/Sep/23  Final  2023  0.025  25/Sep/23  28/Sep/23  09/Oct/23 
01/Jun/23  2nd Interim  2023  0.020  16/Jun/23  21/Jun/23  29/Jun/23 
01/Feb/23  Interim  2023  0.015  16/Feb/23  21/Feb/23  01/Mar/23 
31/Aug/22  Final  2022  0.035  16/Sep/22  21/Sep/22  29/Sep/22 
31/Jan/22  Interim   2022  0.015  15/Feb/22  18/Feb/22   28/Feb/22 
10/Sep/21  Final  2021  0.015  27/Sep/21  30/Sep/21  08/Oct/21 
14/Jan/21  Interim  2021  0.030  29/Jan/21  03/Feb/21  11/Feb/21
31/Aug/20 Final 2020 0.020 16/Sept/20 21/Sept/20  29/Sept/20 
22/Jan/20 Interim 2020 0.025 06/Feb/20 11/Feb/20 17/Feb/20
20/Sep/19 Final 2019 0.027 07/Oct/19 11/Oct/19 17/Oct/19
19/Feb/19 Interim 2019 0.025 01/Mar/19 11/Mar/19 19/Mar/19
12/Oct/18 Final 2018 0.020 24/Oct/18 01/Nov/18 08/Nov/18
13/Jul/18 Interim 2018 0.010 25/Jul/18 02/Aug/18 03/Aug/18


25 April 2024 02:39 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
25 April 2024 02:37 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Interim Dividend Declaration and Third Quarter Financial Results as at 31st March 2024
30 January 2024 01:54 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
30 January 2024 01:53 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Half Year Financial Results and Interim Dividend Declaration
31 October 2023 04:36 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Annual General Meeting Resolutions & Presentation
20 October 2023 04:48 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
20 October 2023 03:45 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
First Quarter Financial Results as at 30th September 2023 and Interim Dividend Declaration
03 October 2023 02:38 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Notice of Annual General Meeting
27 September 2023 09:42 AM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Annual Report 2023
08 September 2023 01:56 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
08 September 2023 01:55 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Declares Final Dividend
08 September 2023 01:51 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Audited Financial Statements 2023
21 June 2023 03:09 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Passing Away of Director
01 June 2023 03:42 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Declares Second Interim Dividend and Dividend Reinvestment Plan
25 April 2023 12:20 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Third Quarter Financial Results as at 31st March 2023
17 February 2023 11:25 AM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Share Buy-Back Notice - 04/2023
01 February 2023 02:21 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Resignation of Director
01 February 2023 02:21 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Declares Interim Dividend and Dividend Reinvestment Plan
01 February 2023 02:18 PM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Price Sensitive
Half Year Financial Results
27 January 2023 10:13 AM KFL Kontiki Finance Ltd
Share Buy-Back Notice - 03/2023

Financial Summary

Click here to view the Full Audited Financial Statements/Annual Reports
Click here to view the Detailed Historical Financial Analysis

Presented below is a brief Financial Summary:

   FYE 2023  FYE 2022  FYE 2021 FYE 2020 FYE 2019 FYE 2018 FYE 2017
Statement of Profit & Loss              
Revenue  25,239,563  26,214,658  30,780,585  30,245,944
24,735,316 17,358,846 10,783,682
Other Income  14,188,226  4,694,343  4,449,328  4,452,023      2,127,047 1,294,381 220,462
Total Revenue  39,427,789  30,909,001  35,229,913  34,697,967 26,862,363 18,653,227 11,004,144


Net profit before tax  14,565,756  7,878,762  4,598,429  7,832,614 10,568,208      6,867,549 4,059,523
Income tax Expense  719,671  661,826  330,948  547,777 1,192,223       1,502,101 939,958
Net Profit after tax  13,846,085  7,216,936  4,267,481  7,284,837 9,375,985 5,365,448 3,119,565


Statement of Financial Position              

Current Assets  73,163,457  29,665,777  48,973,978  14,906,290 10,272,320 26,937,405 13,529,493
Non-Current Assets  222,233,655  212,079,069  230,613,342  248,249,747 184,270,654 135,861,063 80,079,264
Total Assets  295,397,112  241,744,846  279,587,320  263,156,037 194,542,974 162,798,468 93,608,757



Current Liabilities  107,542,210  100,612,756  136,572,864  108,539,699 161,173,412 77,357,536 43,036,726
Non-Current Liabilities  146,894,764  107,789,,676  114,361,030  126,462,216    8,745,024      66,573,486      40,054,619
Total Liabilities  254,436,974
 208,402,432  250,933,894  235,001,915 169,918,436 143,931,022 83,091,345


Net Assets  40,960,138  33,342,414  28,653,426  28,154,122 24,624,538 18,867,446 10,517,412



Share capital  15,060,578  14,870,626  14,614,121  13,777,748 12,793,281 10,884,772 7,900,186
Retaining earnings   25,812,047  18,471,788  14,039,305  14,376,374      11,831,257       7,982,674       2,617,226
Fair value reserve   87,513  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Equity  40,960,138  33,342,414  28,653,426  28,154,122 24,624,538 18,867,446 10,517,412


Statement of Cash Flows              
Net cash flows from operating activities   33,199,794  (16,805,225)  14,603,895  34,083,807     10,107,027      26,976,262 10,865,063
Net cash flows from investing activities   18,160,181  4,199,596  20,751,534  (25,040,388)     (8,808,717)     (23,614,364)     (11,204,726)
Net cash flows from financing activities   (6,970,052)  (3,965,022)  (4,951,365)  (4,799,003)     (3,011,420)       2,984,586         969,799
Net increase(decrease) in cash held  44,389,923  (16,570,651)  30,404,064  4,244,416     (1,713,110)      6,346,484         630,136
Cash at the beginning of the period  26,078,924  42,649,575  12,245,511  8,001,095       9,714,205       3,367,721       2,737,585
Cash at the end of the period  70,468,847  26,078,924  42,649,575  12,245,511       8,001,095       9,714,205       3,367,721

Financial Year Ending (FYE) - June