SPX Official List

APP $3.09      ATH $2.20      CFL $6.58      FBL $3.65      FIL $18.24      FMF $1.78      FTV $2.00      KFL $1.11      KGF $1.20      PBP $7.94      PDM $2.25      PGI $1.08      RBG $3.09      RCF $9.80      TTS $20.00      VBH $6.00      VIL $4.09      FHL $1.02      BCN $30.99     
Active Current Market Price (F$): 20.00

Company Overview

Operation Description
The company is trading as Asco Motors and operates through dealerships which are strategically located throughout Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and American Samoa. The company markets Toyota, Yamaha, Massey Ferguson, Bridgestone, Kobe, other world proven products and also operates the Avis franchise. In each region that Asco Motors operates, it is the market leader in many of the market segments. TTS has been operating in the Pacific for nearly 100 years. Initially part of the Burns Philp Group, the company has been majority owned by Toyota Tsusho Corporation since 1998.

Date Listed

Registered Office Address
Ratu Mara Road, Nabua, Suva

Postal Address
P O Box 355, Suva

    Phone: (+679) 338 4888
    Fax: (+679) 337 0309
    Email: info@asco.com.fj
    Website: www.asco.com.fj  Visit
Directors/Senior Management
Mr Akira Shida (Chairman) Mr Craig Sims (Director) Ms Florence Fenton (Independent Director) Mr Ronald Kumar (CEO/Director) Mr Kevin McCarthy (Independent Director) Mr Yoshiki Nishimura (Director)

Company Secretary
Mr Ajitesh Prasad

Share Registry
Central Share Registry Pte Limited, Shop 1 & 11, Sabrina Building, Victoria Parade, Suva Phone: (+679) 330 4130 Email: registry@spx.com.fj

TTS Quotes
Current Market Price (F$)Movement(F$)Volume TradedBuy(F$)Sell(F$)Low(F$)High(F$)Earnings Per Share(Cents)Price Earnings Ratio(Times)Current Yield(%) (Dividend/Interest)Market Cap(F$)% of Market Cap
20.00  --  192.5610.392.00280,644,0408.10%
Buy OrdersBuy QuantityBuy PriceSell PriceSell QuantitySell Orders
FJST Trade DateVolume TradedPriceConsideration
15-May-2024 03:14 PM 50$20.00$1,000.00
03-Apr-2024 02:35 PM 214$20.00$4,280.00
03-Apr-2024 10:55 AM 168$20.00$3,360.00
03-Apr-2024 10:30 AM 2$20.00$40.00
14-Dec-2023 03:45 PM 230$20.00$4,600.00
20-Nov-2023 11:30 AM 24$20.00$480.00
20-Nov-2023 11:30 AM 1$20.00$20.00
02-Nov-2023 03:05 PM 5$20.00$100.00
06-Oct-2023 02:30 PM 26$20.00$520.00
29-Sep-2023 11:28 AM 39$19.06$743.34

Price History

Note: The above graph shows the Share Price History for the past 12 months. Use the filter to select between a range of the past 5 years.


Start Date:
End Date:

FJST Trade DateSecurityTrade NumberBuyerSellerVolume TradedPriceConsiderationSettlement Date
15/05/2024 03:14 PM TTS20240515-1700FSBFSB50$20.00$1,000.0017-May-2024
03/04/2024 02:35 PM TTS20240403-1520FSBFSB214$20.00$4,280.0005-Apr-2024
03/04/2024 10:55 AM TTS20240403-1514FSBFSB168$20.00$3,360.0005-Apr-2024
03/04/2024 10:30 AM TTS20240403-1512FSBFSB2$20.00$40.0005-Apr-2024
14/12/2023 03:45 PM TTS20231214-0729FSBFSB230$20.00$4,600.0018-Dec-2023
20/11/2023 11:30 AM TTS20231120-0494FSBFSB24$20.00$480.0022-Nov-2023
20/11/2023 11:30 AM TTS20231120-0495FSBFSB1$20.00$20.0022-Nov-2023
02/11/2023 03:05 PM TTS20231102-0122FSBFSB5$20.00$100.0006-Nov-2023
06/10/2023 02:30 PM TTS20231006-0002FSBFSB26$20.00$520.0011-Oct-2023
29/09/2023 11:28 AM TTS20230929-0004FSBFSB39$19.06$743.3404-Oct-2023

Dividend Details

Announcement Date Dividend Type Financial Year Dividend per Share (F$) Ex-Benefit Date Record Date Payment Date
25/Jul/24  Interim  2024  0.200  09/Aug/24  14/Aug/24  22/Aug/24 
23/Nov/23  Interim 2023  0.200  12/Dec/23 15/Dec/23  27/Dec/23 
25/Nov/22  Final  2022  0.400  12/Dec/22  16/Dec/22  28/Dec/22 
20/Jul/22  Interim  2022  0.640  04/Aug/22  09/Aug/22  17/Aug/22 
26/Jul/21  Final   2021   0.200  10/Aug/21   13/Aug/21  23/Aug/21 
24/Jun/20  Final 2020 0.200  09/Jul/20  14/Jul/20  22/Jul/20 
08/Jul/19 Interim 2019 0.200 23/Jul/19 26/Jul/19 05/Aug/19
04/Feb/19 Final 2018 0.200 14/Feb/19 22/Feb/19 28/Feb/19
14/Jun/18 Interim 2018 0.200 26/Jun/18 05/Jul/18 10/Jul/18
16/May/17 Final 2017 0.400 25/May/17 02/Jun/17 12/Jun/17
23/Mar/16 Interim 2016 0.100 06/Apr/16 14/Apr/16 22/Apr/16
23/Oct/15 Interim 2015 0.050 04/Nov/15 13/Nov/15 23/Nov/15
11/Mar/15 Interim 2015 0.050 23/Mar/15 31/Mar/15 10/Apr/15


25 July 2024 04:36 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Price Sensitive
Declares Interim Dividend
25 July 2024 02:18 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
FENC Receives Vehicle Donation from Asco Motors
16 July 2024 04:23 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Notice of Annual General Meeting
28 June 2024 04:25 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Price Sensitive
Annual Report 2024
09 May 2024 05:57 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Discontinuation of Yamaha Power Products Sales
11 April 2024 02:47 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Resignation and Appointment of Directors
25 March 2024 12:22 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
LC300 Special Service Campaign
14 March 2024 12:13 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Datec and Asco Foundation Join Forces to Educate Kids on Cybersecurity
15 January 2024 04:04 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Appointment of Independent Director
18 December 2023 08:34 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Announces Payless Partnership With Daku Resort
14 December 2023 10:56 AM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Donates to Pacific Recycling Foundation
04 December 2023 12:57 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Resignation of Director
01 December 2023 02:16 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Appointment of Independent Director
27 November 2023 03:01 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Price Sensitive
Declares Interim Dividend
17 November 2023 02:31 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Price Sensitive
Half Year Financial Results
02 November 2023 03:42 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Donation to Fiji Red Cross Society
26 July 2023 04:32 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Annual General Meeting Resolutions
04 July 2023 02:22 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Resignation of Director
30 June 2023 12:57 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Notice of Annual General Meeting
30 June 2023 12:55 PM TTS Toyota Tsusho (South Sea) Ltd
Price Sensitive
Annual Report 2023

Financial Summary

Click here to view the Full Audited Financial Statements/Annual Reports
Click here to view the Detailed Historical Financial Analysis

Presented below is a brief Financial Summary:

   FYE 2024  FYE 2023  FYE 2022 FYE 2021 FYE 2020 FYE 2019 FYE 2018 FYE 2017 FYE 2016 FYE 2015
Statement of Profit & Loss                    
Revenue  215,602,000  175,823,000  153,069,000  136,365,000 180,224,000  191,523,000 171,126,000 168,443,000 141,872,000 141,920,000
Other Income  1,143,000  1,387,000  913,000  625,000 772,000        1,163,000       3,809,000       1,915,000      1,310,000         790,000
Total Revenue  216,745,000  177,210,000  153,982,000  136,990,000 180,996,000  192,686,000 174,935,000 170,358,000 143,182,000 142,710,000


Net profit before tax  36,253,000  20,078,000  16,681,000  7,059,000 14,882,000  18,322,000      18,679,000 17,432,000       9,780,000       8,356,000
Income tax Expense  9,232,000  3,083,000  2,873,000  1,473,000 1,571,000        2,451,000       2,265,000 2,153,000       1,137,000       1,028,000
Net Profit after tax  27,021,000  16,995,000  13,808,000  5,586,000 13,311,000  15,871,000     16,414,000      15,279,000       8,643,000       7,328,000


Statement of Financial Position                    

Current Assets  76,422,000  77,471,000  80,406,000  76,498,000 60,002,000  58,780,000 60,322,000 55,183,000 58,814,000 57,855,000
Non-Current Assets  96,542,000  74,139,000  65,443,000  53,051,000 65,634,000  65,841,000 60,479,000 42,133,000 26,957,000 24,906,000
Total Assets  172,964,000  151,610,000  145,849,000  129,549,000 125,636,000  124,621,000 120,801,000 97,316,000 85,771,000 82,761,000



Current Liabilities  18,014,000  21,465,000  18,730,000  13,598,000 12,687,000  23,772,000 23,405,000 18,124,000 24,408,000 24,160,000
Non-Current Liabilities  7,742,000  7,695,000  8,400,000  8,783,000 7,423,000  6,594,000 13,779,000 6,273,000 3,834,000 6,911,000
Total Liabilities  25,756,000  29,160,000  27,130,000  22,381,000 20,110,000  30,366,000 37,184,000 24,397,000 28,242,000 31,071,000


Net Assets  147,208,000  122,450,000  118,719,000  107,168,000 105,526,000  94,255,000 83,617,000 72,919,000 57,529,000 51,690,000



Share capital  14,483,000  14,483,000  14,483,000  14,483,000 14,483,000  14,483,000 14,483,000 14,483,000 14,032,000 14,032,000
Reserves  4,313,000  3,770,000  2,441,000  1,892,000 3,030,000  2,264,000 1,884,000 1,987,000 2,327,000 3,026,000
Retaining earnings   128,412,000  104,197,000  101,795,000  90,793,000 88,013,000  77,508,000 67,250,000 56,449,000 41,170,000 34,632,000
Total Equity  147,208,000  122,450,000  118,719,000  107,168,000 105,526,000  94,255,000 83,617,000 72,919,000 57,529,000 51,690,000


Statement of Cash Flows                    
Net cash flows from operating activities   39,654,000  2,388,000  33,783,000  29,201,000  14,563,000      28,607,000     (15,003,000) 1,619,000      (4,473,000)       9,182,000
Net cash flows from investing activities   (30,132,000)  (15,725,000)  (14,887,000) 1,096,000   (10,010,000)        (843,000)      (1,264,000)      (3,071,000)        (524,000)        (243,000)
Net cash flows from financing activities   (4,087,000)  (15,934,000)  (4,507,000)  (4,127,000) (15,851,000)    (14,273,000)       9,013,000       4,899,000        (702,000)      (4,311,000)
Net increase(decrease) in cash held  5,435,000  (29,271,000)  14,389,000  26,170,000 (11,298,000)      13,491,000      (7,254,000)       3,447,000      (5,699,000)       4,628,000
Cash at the beginning of the period  23,228,000  48,509,000  34,059,000  8,196,000 19,320,000       5,769,000      13,075,000       9,516,000      15,494,000      10,348,000
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash  195,000  3,990,000  61,000  (307,000) 174,000           60,000         (52,000)         112,000        (279,000)         518,000
Cash at the end of the period  28,858,000  23,228,000  48,509,000  34,059,000  8,196,000      19,320,000       5,769,000      13,075,000       9,516,000      15,494,000

Financial Year Ending (FYE) - March