SPX Official List

APP $3.09      ATH $2.20      CFL $6.58      FBL $3.65      FIL $18.24      FMF $1.78      FTV $2.00      KFL $1.11      KGF $1.20      PBP $7.94      PDM $2.25      PGI $1.08      RBG $3.09      RCF $9.80      TTS $20.00      VBH $6.00      VIL $4.09      FHL $1.02      BCN $30.99     
Active Current Market Price (F$): 3.09

Company Overview

Operation Description
The Company has a diversified business portfolio and is involved in supermarkets incorporating department stores, distribution, imports, exports, wholesale and property development and management. RBG is the only publicly listed supermarket chain in Fiji. The company’s wholesaling arm compliments its core business as it wholesales products that it imports. As a result, RBG benefits from cost and operational synergies present across its business segments.

Date Listed

Registered Office Address
RB Patel Center Point Building, Rt. Dovi Road, Laucala Beach Estate, Suva

Postal Address
P O Box 943, Suva

    Phone: (+679) 339 1899
    Fax: (+679) 334 0087
    Email: rbpatels@connect.com.fj
    Website: www.rbpatel.com.fj  Visit
Directors/Senior Management
Ms Kamal Haer (Chairperson) Mr Surendra K Patel (Director) Mr Kavin Rathod (Independent Director) Ms Sereana Matakibau (Independent Director) Mr Craig Strong (Director) Mr Tevita Tuiloa (Director) Mr Deepak Rathod (Chief Operating Officer)

Company Secretary
Mr Deepak Rathod

Share Registry
Central Share Registry Pte Limited, Shop 1 & 11, Sabrina Building, Victoria Parade, Suva Phone: (+679) 330 4130 Email: registry@spx.com.fj

RBG Quotes
Current Market Price (F$)Movement(F$)Volume TradedBuy(F$)Sell(F$)Low(F$)High(F$)Earnings Per Share(Cents)Price Earnings Ratio(Times)Current Yield(%) (Dividend/Interest)Market Cap(F$)% of Market Cap
3.09  -3.09  5.1460.182.27463,500,00013.38%
Buy OrdersBuy QuantityBuy PriceSell PriceSell QuantitySell Orders
FJST Trade DateVolume TradedPriceConsideration
03-Jul-2024 02:33 PM 12,430$3.09$38,408.70
02-Jul-2024 03:00 PM 1,090$3.09$3,368.10
02-Jul-2024 03:00 PM 2,000$3.09$6,180.00
02-Jul-2024 03:00 PM 407$3.09$1,257.63
28-Jun-2024 03:24 PM 10$3.09$30.90
28-Jun-2024 03:24 PM 220$3.08$677.60
28-Jun-2024 03:23 PM 780,000$2.78$2,168,400.00
11-Apr-2024 03:01 PM 334$3.09$1,032.06
08-Apr-2024 02:38 PM 2$3.09$6.18
08-Apr-2024 02:37 PM 1$3.09$3.09

Price History

Note: 1) The above graph shows the Share Price History for the past 12 months. Use the filter to select between a range of the past 5 years. 2) Share price depicted prior to 13/Nov/2019 has not been adjusted for 1:5 Share Split.


Start Date:
End Date:

FJST Trade DateSecurityTrade NumberBuyerSellerVolume TradedPriceConsiderationSettlement Date
03/07/2024 02:33 PM RBG20240703-2527FHSKSB12,430$3.09$38,408.7005-Jul-2024
02/07/2024 03:00 PM RBG20240702-2521FHSFSB1,090$3.09$3,368.1004-Jul-2024
02/07/2024 03:00 PM RBG20240702-2522FHSFSB2,000$3.09$6,180.0004-Jul-2024
02/07/2024 03:00 PM RBG20240702-2523FHSFSB407$3.09$1,257.6304-Jul-2024
28/06/2024 03:24 PM RBG20240628-2510FHSFSB10$3.09$30.9002-Jul-2024
28/06/2024 03:24 PM RBG20240628-2509FHSKSB220$3.08$677.6002-Jul-2024
28/06/2024 03:23 PM RBG20240628-2508FHSFHS780,000$2.78$2,168,400.0002-Jul-2024
11/04/2024 03:01 PM RBG20240411-1559FSBFSB334$3.09$1,032.0615-Apr-2024
08/04/2024 02:38 PM RBG20240408-1543FSBFSB2$3.09$6.1810-Apr-2024
08/04/2024 02:37 PM RBG20240408-1542FSBFSB1$3.09$3.0910-Apr-2024

Dividend Details

Announcement Date Dividend Type Financial Year Dividend per Share (F$) Ex-Benefit Date Record Date Payment Date
27/Feb/24  First Interim  2024  0.020  13/Mar/24  18/Mar/24  26/Mar/24 
31/Aug/23  Final  2023  0.050 15/Sep/23  20/Sep/23  28/Sep/23 
11/Jan/23  First Interim  2023  0.020  26/Jan/23  31/Jan/23  08/Feb/23 
25/Aug/22  Final  2022  0.027  12/Sep/22  15/Sep/22  23/Sep/22 
13/Jan/22  First Interim  2022  0.020  28/Jan/22  02/Feb/22  10/Feb/22 
29/Sep/21  Final  2021 0.012 14/Oct/21 20/Oct/21 28/Oct/21
28/Jan/21  First Interim  2021  0.015  12/Feb/21  17/Feb/21  25/Feb/21 
07/Aug/20  Final Interim  2020  0.013  24/Aug/20  27/Aug/20 08/Sept/20 
23/Jan/20 First Interim 2020 0.014 07/Feb/20 12/Feb/20 20/Feb/20
01/Aug/19 Final Interim 2019 0.026 16/Aug/19 21/Aug/19 29/Aug/19
21/Jan/19 First Interim 2019 0.012 31/Jan/19 08/Feb/19 18/Feb/19
16/Aug/18 Final Interim 2018 0.024 28/Aug/18 05/Sep/18 14/Sep/18
31/Jan/18 First Interim 2018 0.010 12/Feb/18 20/Feb/18 28/Feb/18
31/Jul/17 Final Interim 2017 0.022 10/Aug/17 18/Aug/17 28/Aug/17
26/Jan/17 First Interim 2017 0.010 07/Feb/17 15/Feb/17 23/Feb/17
28/Jul/16 Final Interim 2016 0.022 09/Aug/16 17/Aug/16 25/Aug/16
28/Jan/16 First Interim 2016 0.008 09/Feb/16 17/Feb/16 25/Feb/16
30/Jul/15 Final Interim 2015 0.020 11/Aug/15 19/Aug/15 27/Aug/15
28/Jan/15 First Interim 2015 0.008 09/Feb/15 17/Feb/15 25/Feb/15


27 February 2024 04:20 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Interim Dividend and Half Year Financial Results
27 February 2024 01:06 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Resignation and Appointment of Directors
10 November 2023 05:10 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Annual General Meeting Resolutions
18 October 2023 05:24 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Notice of Annual General Meeting
18 October 2023 05:18 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Annual Report 2023
05 September 2023 10:49 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Resignation of Director
31 August 2023 03:44 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Audited Financial Statements 2023
31 August 2023 03:42 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Declares Final Dividend
28 March 2023 05:05 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Changes to Board Composition
11 January 2023 11:35 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Interim Dividend and Half Year Financial Results
02 December 2022 11:14 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Annual General Meeting Resolutions
02 November 2022 02:13 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Notice of Annual General Meeting
31 October 2022 04:53 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Annual Report 2022
25 August 2022 02:54 PM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Declares Final Dividend
25 August 2022 10:13 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Audited Financial Statements 2022
13 January 2022 11:22 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Price Sensitive
Interim Dividend and Half Year Financial Results
06 December 2021 10:56 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Annual General Meeting Resolutions
03 December 2021 09:20 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Opening of New Store at MyFNPF Centre Nadi Town
11 November 2021 10:38 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Annual General Meeting Online Access
11 November 2021 10:37 AM RBG RB Patel Group Ltd
Notice of Annual General Meeting

Financial Summary

Click here to view the Full Audited Financial Statements/Annual Reports
Click here to view the Detailed Historical Financial Analysis

Presented below is a brief Financial Summary:

   FYE 2023  FYE 2022  FYE 2021  FYE 2020 FYE 2019 FYE 2018 FYE 2017 FYE 2016 FYE 2015
Statement of Profit & Loss                  
Revenue 165,444,612   140,152,328  132,525,631  135,770,964 131,718,258 121,589,393 119,761,900 114,815,886 104,944,604
Other Income  4,598,641  3,395,444  2,973,743  3,835,500       3,730,466      3,258,147       3,093,419       2,856,476       2,504,434
Total Revenue  170,043,253  143,547,772  135,499,374  139,606,464 135,448,724 124,847,540 122,855,319 117,672,362 107,449,038


Net profit before tax  14,430,579  12,110,335  9,486,106  10,728,081 11,195,821     10,747,282 9,439,187       8,209,633       6,582,045
Income tax Expense  925,317  1,150,344  915,224  1,047,536 1,115,719      1,084,760 957,354        858,479         662,726
Adjustment to deferred tax due to change in future income tax rate
due to change in future
income tax rate
(5,802,793)  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Net Profit after tax  7,702,469  10,959,991  8,570,882  9,680,545 10,080,102       9,662,522      8,481,833      7,351,154       5,919,319


Statement of Financial Position                  

Current Assets  22,639,629  22,337,491  16,948,269  16,890,566 19,763,564 18,390,583 19,449,829 19,299,495 15,271,730
Non-Current Assets  89,754,004  86,131,305  81,164,285  77,851,357 68,882,778 59,908,044 50,509,934 41,626,823 40,087,413
Total Assets  112,393,633  108,468,796  98,112,554  94,741,923 88,646,342 78,298,627 69,959,763 60,926,318 55,359,143



Current Liabilities  21,238,191  20,195,295  20,241,364  19,092,622 21,362,593 21,411,242 21,709,887 21,606,818 18,294,450
Non-Current Liabilities  28,913,120  26,683,648  22,351,328  24,500,321 19,815,314 14,099,052 9,874,065 9,271,387 10,167,734
Total Liabilities  50,151,311  46,878,943  42,592,692  43,592,943 41,177,907 35,510,294 31,583,952 30,878,205 28,462,184


Net Assets  62,242,322  61,589,853  55,519,862  51,148,980 47,468,435 42,788,333 38,375,811 30,048,113 26,896,959



Share capital  15,000,000  15,000,000  15,000,000  15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000
Reserves  -  51,230  51,230  51,230 51,230 51,230 51,230 51,230 51,230
Retaining earnings  47,242,322  46,538,623  40,468,632  36,097,750 28,517,205 24,137,103 20,024,581 11,696,883 8,845,729
Proposed Dividends  -  -  -  - 3,900,000 3,600,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,000,000
Total Equity  62,242,322  61,589,853  55,519,862  51,148,980 47,468,435 42,788,333 38,375,811 30,048,113 26,896,959


Statement of Cash Flows                  
Net cash flows from operating activities   16,029,699  10,389,922  14,004,607  14,026,073       8,263,027     12,878,125 10,073,267 6,645,409       8,925,028
Net cash flows from investing activities   (3,602,701)  (5,255,736)  (7,637,281)  (7,827,011)     (8,395,265)      (5,841,669)      (5,803,342)     (1,815,375)     (3,759,049)
Net cash flows from financing activities   (12,637,070)  (3,866,125)  (5,419,045)  (1,348,613)     (4,390,166)     (4,390,654)      (5,161,585)      (4,774,215)     (3,211,772)
Net increase(decrease) in cash held  (210,072)  1,268,061  948,281  4,850,449     (4,522,404)       2,645,802        (891,660)           55,819      1,954,207
Cash at the beginning of the period  (1,340,987)  (2,609,048)  (3,557,329)  (8,407,778)     (3,885,374)     (6,531,176)     (5,639,516)     (5,695,335)     (7,649,542)
Cash at the end of the period  (1,551,059)  (1,340,987)  (2,609,048)  (3,557,329)     (8,407,778)     (3,885,374)     (6,531,176)     (5,639,516)     (5,695,335)

Financial Year Ending (FYE) - June